Delighted Community Member Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Delighted Community Slack! We’re excited to offer this space for you to connect with other Delighted users, grow your experience management knowledge, and make the most of your Delighted account!

To ensure we achieve this goal, let’s work together to build a collaborative environment and ensure everyone feels welcome to participate and contribute.

  • Posts that we find to be hateful, inflammatory, or harassing will be removed – if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it.
  • Avoid name-calling, personal attacks, and anything else that would make other users feel unwelcome.
  • It is okay to disagree – but be sure to criticize ideas, not people.

This Slack workspace is for active Delighted users. We will do occasional sweeps to remove people who don’t have an active account.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

By joining Slack, you agree to abstain from:

  • Disrespect towards others (Jokes, innuendo, dismissive attitudes).
  • Intimidation or harassment (online or in-person).
  • Disrespect towards differences of opinion.
  • Conduct or speech which might be considered sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or otherwise discriminatory or offensive in nature.
  • Unwelcome, suggestive, derogatory, or inappropriate nicknames or terms.
  • Inappropriate attention or contact. Be aware of how your actions affect others. If it makes someone uncomfortable, stop.
  • Not understanding the differences between constructive criticism and disparagement.
  • Sustained disruptions.
  • Violence, threats of violence, or violent language.
  • Marketing or self-promotion, where irrelevant to the conversation.
  • Using any member information for personal use or outreach.


  • Any messages, posts, or photos that violate our Code of Conduct will be immediately deleted. The member who posted them will be given a warning or in more severe cases removed from our Slack community.
  • Administrators have the right to edit, remove, or merge content as they deem fit to maintain the quality of content in the community. This includes updating outdated URLs.
  • Administrators will be on the lookout for inappropriate, offensive, or off-topic posts. We reserve the right to remove any content for any reason we deem fit.
  • Administrators will also be on the lookout for individuals who are not behaving appropriately in the community. We reserve the right to terminate any membership temporarily or permanently as we see fit.

For support

  • If you ever have a support-related request, the community is not the best place to ask it. Contact us directly instead.
  • If you are the subject of or witness to any violations of this Code of Conduct, please contact us.

Thank you for helping us keep our community a safe and welcoming place for everyone!