The easiest NPS software to measure and improve customer loyalty

With Delighted’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) software, you can collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback in 3 easy steps – no development or design resources required. Our AI-driven NPS platform handles all of the details for high response rates and actionable results.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year

nps software survey

How to run a world-class NPS program with Delighted’s NPS software

Delighted’s NPS software brings together everything you need to run a world-class survey program, eliminating the hassle of legacy systems and multiple tools. Having a single survey software will make measuring performance and gaining insights easier and better, and will provide the data to support critical decision-making.

Create and send NPS surveys

Our NPS software is designed to respect your brand and your customers’ time. Your surveys can be delivered across multiple channels and devices, and in 30+ languages.


Customize your surveys to your brand and desired insight

Add your logo, customize colors, create a branded survey page — all within the NPS software, no coding required. Surface focused insights by customizing the NPS question to who you are surveying (customers or employees) and what you’d like feedback on (a feature, recent transaction, or the overall experience with your company).

NPS software survey question
Ask for Feedback

Ask for detailed feedback on their chosen NPS score

Let your customers tell you how they feel, in their own words, with an open-ended follow-up question. Want deeper insights? Ask Additional Questions that are powered by conditional survey logic based on the survey response. Layer up to 10 follow-up questions within a single survey flow.

NPS software rating follow-up question

Deliver your surveys at the right time and place

Schedule surveys to send at routine intervals with Autopilot to measure NPS over time. Or, automatically trigger surveys based on key customer journey touchpoints using the Delighted API for highly focused feedback. Surveys can be delivered and completed across multiple channels (Web, Email, and Link) to reach people where they are and improve survey response rates.

NPS software survey distribution methods

Personalize the Thank You page by rating score

With customizable NPS surveys, you can engage customers who answer your survey through a Thank You message. Personalize the message to encourage customers to take action based on their rating. Let promoters know how they can get more from your brand through an app or referral program, and encourage detractors to get in touch.

NPS software survey thank you page

Measure and analyze survey results within your NPS software’s deceptively simple dashboard

NPS data trapped in a spreadsheet doesn’t help you or your customers. Visualize and segment feedback for easy reporting and analysis. These customer insights will help you gauge customer satisfaction, identify the key drivers behind customer happiness, and monitor the impact of your changes.


View feedback in real time

  • See all of your feedback in your customers’ own words in an easy-to-use, real-time dashboard.
  • Slice and dice your feedback any way you’d like using Properties you associate to the customer.
  • Measure multiple product lines or business units, all within a single dashboard.
  • Search on specific keywords to see scores and feedback for just those segments.
nps software dashboard

Calculate and track your NPS

  • Calculate your NPS automatically in real time as survey responses roll in.
  • Identify the top issues that create detractors, and which segments are most likely to be promoters.
  • Monitor specific themes and see how your improvements affect the NPS rating over time.
  • Get presentation-ready charts with Snapshot and Over Time Reports — no spreadsheets required.
NPS software reporting

Benchmark your NPS for instant industry comparison

  • Stay up-to-date with how your NPS stacks up to industry standards with the Benchmarks report.
  • Compare your score against 20 industries or stay on the industry default we select for you.
  • Track how your NPS fluctuates over time and filter score data by Trend for a chosen time period.
NPS software benchmarks report

Analyze NPS feedback and uncover actionable insights

  • Summarize all your NPS responses by sentiment, Trends, and Properties with the Pivot Table Report.
  • Automatically surface commonly used keywords in open-ended feedback to detect patterns at scale.
  • Compare feedback across customer segments, locations, and product lines to isolate areas for improvement.
NPS software reporting chart

Track NPS performance and improve response rates

  • Monitor which survey channels (Email, Web, or Link) result in the most quality feedback.
  • Get key survey performance metrics (responded, throttled, bounced, etc.) by time frame.
  • Find ways to focus on increasing your survey response rates for actionable feedback.
NPS software response tracking

Discover NPS keywords and Trends with Smart Trends

  • Keywords and Trends are automatically suggested based on your verbatim NPS feedback through Delighted’s Smart Trends built-in AI capability.
  • Let the AI capability do the investigation for you and uncover recurring NPS patterns quicker with easier resolve.
nps software smart trends

Join 75,000+ of the world's most beloved brands

Close the loop on survey insights directly within your NPS software

Collecting customer feedback or employee NPS feedback is just the tip of the iceberg. Delighted’s dedicated NPS software takes care of the heavy lifting so you can focus your energy on proactively engaging with your audience and strengthening relationships.


Connect to the tools and workflows you already use

Easily integrate your Delighted account with 750+ digital tools directly or via the Delighted API. Start discussing feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store user feedback in your data warehouse, and more.

NPS software slack integration example

Empower your team with awareness and insights

Get your entire team involved with improving customer experiences. Add unlimited team members, control permissions, set up email digests, send smart Alerts to specific team members, and collaborate with Notes.

NPS software Alerts feature

Boost conversions with Delighted Testimonials

Publish compelling customer comments anywhere on your site with our Testimonials widget. Request permission to share the feedback publicly and configure the widget to match your brand without extra design or development resources.

NPS software testimonials

Top benefits of NPS software

A Net Promoter Score software is a self-serve customer experience (CX) tool designed to help teams take action from real-time feedback and track success over time. Using a Net Promoter Score tool to build out a robust CX program can have a number of additional benefits for your business. The primary benefits of using an NPS tool are:

Ease of use

Net Promoter software is undemanding. With the right software, Net Promoter Score surveys are straightforward, easy to understand, and take just a few minutes to complete. Internally, the results are determined by a simple formula with no need for complex analytics. Consumers are either a promoter, a detractor, or passive. It’s as simple as that.

Broadscale relevance

Your NPS score is an invaluable KPI because the data your surveys gather is relevant to everyone – from the CEO to your frontline staff. By asking NPS questions across the customer journey, businesses can analyze every part of the customer experience and implement changes at key touchpoints to ensure improvement or continued success.

Forecasting business growth

As it measures the likelihood of repeat business and long-term customer loyalty, Net Promoter Score software can accurately forecast business growth and cash flow, in addition to helping you assess overall brand value and satisfaction.

Effective benchmarking

NPS is a standardized system that’s recognized worldwide. As such, it’s easy to see how to stand amongst competitors from within your geographic region and the industry as a whole with easy-to-use NPS benchmarking tools.

Change management

Open-ended questions collect qualitative feedback after the NPS question, so you’ll get insights, direction, and action points that help to develop or improve your CX, customer support, and products from every respondent category.

Long-term tracking

Tracking NPS scores allow you to see how various teams and departments are performing over time, uncover seasonal trends, and assess how previous changes have affected customer sentiments – either positively or negatively.

Why NPS software matters for your business

Word-of-mouth marketing

72% of people get news from friends and family, and 90% trust the suggestions they receive, making word-of-mouth an invaluable source of business. In fact, 74% of consumers identify word-of-mouth referrals as a key influence in purchasing decisions.

Positive customer experience

Upholding positive customer experiences is a vital element of value-based growth. However, it’s not just about ensuring positive recommendations and maintaining promoters. It’s also about decreasing the potential for negative feedback.

Gather quantitative data

Using an NPS score tool remains the best way to gather quantitative data about current customer satisfaction and loyalty levels, while also collecting the actionable qualitative feedback you need to drive your business forward.

Maximizing the benefits of NPS software features

The best NPS software tools offer a variety of built-in features to help you scale your CX program alongside your growing business. Here are the steps to maximize their benefits:

1. Integrate with everyday tools

Openly report NPS scores internally and recognize employees and departments that do well. The best NPS survey tools and solutions allow sharing real-time feedback with your teams to get everyone involved with improving the customer experience. Delighted’s easy integration to platforms like Slack and Zendesk makes it simple to keep NPS at the heart of your organizational culture.

2. Choose the right channels

Conducting surveys using different channels can significantly impact your NPS score, especially when you gather feedback across the customer journey. With Delighted’s NPS tool, you can use a multi-channel approach and monitor response rates by channel – Email, Web, Link, Kiosk, and SDK – to determine which ones are best for your customer base.

3. Utilize personalization

Recipients are much more likely to respond when they receive a personalized survey. Use customization options in Delighted’s NPS score tool to address the customer by name, or go even further by translating your survey to reach the respondent in their native language.

4. Get the timing right

Customers should know enough about your product or service to answer meaningful questions about future use or whether they’d recommend you. Get specific about when (and how often) to send your survey to guarantee accurate feedback every time.

5. Close the loop

Delighted’s NPS survey tool allows you to ask Additional Questions based on conditional logic. This enables you to gather qualitative data and take speedy action to close the feedback loop with every customer, regardless of their answer.

6. Act fast

Data becomes outdated quickly. With Delighted’s real-time reporting options, you can identify problems and address them before it’s too late – a luxury you don’t have with labor-intensive manual reporting processes.

Seamlessly integrate

Discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store all your feedback in a data warehouse, and more.

Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.
Trigger Delighted eNPS surveys from BambooHR via Zapier.
Automatically send to customers for one time payments or subscriptions.
Automatically trigger Delighted surveys based on actions in Blueshift.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Stitch account.
Sync feedback to Gladly. Auto-assign sentiment-driven tasks.
Sync CSAT feedback to MaestroQA for coaching and analysis.
Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.

“Delighted is the NPS product I always hoped someone would build. When I first saw the tool, I knew instantly that it could change the way companies measure and manage customer happiness.”

Fred Reichheld, creator of NPS and Delighted advisor

You don’t have to take our word for it

Use NPS software to improve the customer experience or hone in on specific customer touchpoints. Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands collect customer feedback and measure customer satisfaction across the customer journey with powerful NPS tools and survey templates like CSAT and CES surveys.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”