Customer insights at a glance: Automated survey data analysis and reporting

Spend more time driving impact, and less time digging for insights with Delighted’s complete suite of feedback analysis and reporting features.

  • Intuitive role-based dashboard
  • AI-driven survey text analysis and segmentation
  • Presentation-ready reports
  • 2-click integrations to pipe feedback to the whole team

Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year

Email survey feedback dashboard

Dashboard reporting – your real-time feedback hub

See all of your NPS and customer satisfaction survey results in a deceptively simple, realtime dashboard that anyone can use. Get a bird’s eye view of customer happiness, or drill down into acute issues experienced by specific customer segments with keyword search and filtering.

Slice and dice your feedback effortlessly using custom Properties, tags, keyword filtering, time periods, and scores.

Create role and location-based dashboards. Measure NPS for marketing and CSAT for support.

Monitor how your score changes over time for various customer or employee segments. Identify the issues that impact customer happiness most.

Access all your feedback on your iPhone or iPad with Delighted for iOS.

AI-driven survey text analysis for instant customer insights

Built on the most important feedback themes monitored by our customers, Smart Trends, powered by Delighted AI, applies the wisdom of the crowd to your customer feedback. Surface Trends in two ways:

Let Smart Trends do the work

Adopt suggested Trends based on your verbatim feedback. Smart Trends looks for key drivers in the customer experience, such as pricing, ease of use, quality of service, and more.

Create Trends from scratch

Define feedback filters that apply to historic and incoming survey responses. Smart Trends automatically suggests relevant keywords to track so nothing slips through the cracks.

Pre-built survey reports – no spreadsheets required.

Keep tabs on specific customer segments that you define, and deeply understand what keeps your happiest customers happy, and your unhappiest customers unhappy.


Share feedback with your team

Invite your team to join in on analyzing feedback directly within the platform, or set up integrations and Email digests to spur collaboration and action.

nps closed loop feedback

Feedback sentiment analysis

Rank the keywords, Trends, and customer segments that correlate with your happiest and unhappiest customers with a built-in Pivot table report.


Instant quantitative reports

Generate Snapshot and Over time reports that break down responses, scores, comment rates, and more, by any of your Properties, Trends, Additional Questions, or scores.


Monitor survey metrics

Survey metrics provide a comprehensive view into survey delivery, response rates, comment rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribes. Optimize your program to collect even more feedback.


Benchmark your NPS

Compare your Net Promoter Score across 20 industries with the in-app Benchmarks report. Find out whether your score is high, average, or low compared to industry standards and observe how your rating has changed over time. Narrow down the report by Trend to quickly pinpoint what you are doing well and what areas may need improvement to maintain a competitive advantage.

NPS software benchmarks report

Seamlessly integrate

Discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store all your feedback in a data warehouse, and more.

Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.
Trigger Delighted eNPS surveys from BambooHR via Zapier.
Automatically send to customers for one time payments or subscriptions.
Automatically trigger Delighted surveys based on actions in Blueshift.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Stitch account.
Sync feedback to Gladly. Auto-assign sentiment-driven tasks.
Sync CSAT feedback to MaestroQA for coaching and analysis.
Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.

Fine-tune your feedback program with powerful survey templates and effective tools to take action


Optimize your surveying

Unlock simple yet powerful ways to expand your reach with customer survey templates on Delighted CX, our customer experience solution. Start by customizing an NPS or CSAT survey and dive deep into consumer sentiment. Or, choose a Yes/No Thumbs survey for instant feedback through a variety of delivery channels – making an impact at all points of the customer journey.


Take action from the feedback

Use the unearthed customer trends discovered in your analysis to take action on your findings with cross-team collaboration. With access to integrations like Slack, Zendesk, and Salesforce, integrate incoming feedback with the tools you already use to expand visibility and route customer concerns or requests to the appropriate teams.

Want more tips on feedback analysis best practices? We’ve got you covered.

Maximize your customer feedback analysis
How to perform a root cause analysis
Calculate your Return on Experience

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”