Measure and improve customer satisfaction with CSAT software

Craft better experiences for your customers with customer satisfaction software. Create and send customizable Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys, watch insightful feedback roll into your real-time CSAT dashboard, calculate your CSAT score, and close the loop, all with Delighted.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year

customer satisfaction software survey example

Get higher CSAT survey response rates for the quality feedback you need

Hear from more of your customers and gain deeper insights from their feedback, giving you the power to craft better experiences for them.

Create and send CSAT surveys

Our CSAT survey experience is designed to be quick and easy for you and your customers. Distribute your CSAT survey across multiple channels and devices, and in 30+ languages.


Customize branded CSAT surveys for each touchpoint

Add your logo and customize colors to create a branded survey page for any stage of the customer journey — all in Delighted. Gathering feedback on the sales, product, onboarding, and support experience helps to set benchmarks and improve. The 5-point scale allows for just enough nuance so you can see how much each change shifts your scores.

customer satisfaction software survey question
Ask for Feedback

Ask for detailed feedback on their CSAT rating

While the rating sets a benchmark, the open-ended follow-up gets at why customers chose that score. Want to understand if response time, agent knowledge, or resolution quality impacted the score the most? Ask up to 10 Additional Questions powered by conditional logic to collect data on the key satisfaction drivers behind the experience.

CSAT software rating follow-up question

Deliver the CSAT survey at the right time and place

Trigger online surveys with the Delighted API for real-time feedback, or schedule routine sends with Autopilot – minimal effort required. Customers respond directly in the email survey, or the web app for high response rates. Embed link surveys in email signatures, or generate scannable QR code surveys to print on receipts.

customer satisfaction software survey distribution methods

Personalize the Thank You page by rating

The Thank You page counts as one-third of your survey — it’s valuable real estate. Keep customers engaged with a personalized message based on the rating score, so happy customers can help you spread the word and unsatisfied customers can get in touch with customer support.

customer satisfaction software survey thank you page

Alternatives to the traditional CSAT scale

Measure satisfaction at each point of customer interaction, big and small, with our visual customer satisfaction metrics:

Looking for more survey templates to improve the customer experience? Check out our popular Net Promoter Score and Customer Effort Score surveys.

customer satisfaction software survey templates

Measure and report on CSAT survey results with a deceptively simple CSAT dashboard

Visualize and segment Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) feedback for at-a-glance reporting and analytics. Your real-time CSAT dashboard is your go-to hub for customer sentiment.


Calculate, benchmark, and track CSAT scores

CSAT software reporting

Analyze CSAT feedback and uncover actionable insights

  • Summarize and compare all your CSAT survey results by Trends, sentiment, and more with the Pivot Table Report.
  • Surface commonly used keywords in the open-ended feedback to uncover valuable insights and patterns that can be difficult to spot.
  • Segment the responses with keyword searches or properties you associate to the customer.
customer satisfaction software reporting chart

Track CSAT survey performance and improve response rates

  • Monitor how each of your CSAT survey distribution channels performs (email, web, link).
  • Figure out which channels you may need to optimize further to increase your survey response rates.
  • See all of your CSAT feedback in your customers’ own words — in real time.
  • Create CSAT leaderboards to track agent performance and escalate training as necessary.
CSAT software survey performance

Discover CSAT themes to monitor with Smart Trends

  • Keywords and Trends are automatically suggested based on your verbatim CSAT feedback through Delighted’s Smart Trends built-in AI capability.
  • Let Smart Trends surface key understandings on your behalf to free up time for action-planning at scale.
  • Compare CSAT survey responses across product lines, business units, locations, and more.
CSAT software Smart Trends

Join 75,000+ of the world's most beloved brands

Improve customer satisfaction and close the loop on CSAT survey insights

Collecting CSAT feedback is just the beginning. Channel feedback to team members who can make a difference, and create a customer-centric organization that consistently closes the loop using our comprehensive platform.


Connect to the tools and workflows you already use

Follow up on CSAT feedback using your own help desk. Delighted integrates seamlessly with Zendesk, Desk, and Help Scout, to name a few. With direct integrations with 750+ tools and the robust Delighted API, you’ll be able to discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, and more.

customer satisfaction software integrations

Empower your team with awareness and insights

Get your entire team involved in customer experience improvement strategies with email digests and smart Alerts. Product teams can see how new features are being received. Engineering teams can watch for bug reports. Marketing teams can monitor chatter about top competitors. Delighted has all the tools to keep your cross-functional teams in the loop.

CSAT software feedback loop

Boost conversions with Delighted Testimonials

Publish compelling customer comments anywhere on your site with our Testimonials widget. Request permission to share the feedback publicly and configure the widget to match your brand without extra design or development resources.

customer satisfaction software testimonials

Why use CSAT surveys?

Customer satisfaction survey tools are the most powerful resources at a company’s disposal for discovering how customers feel and more importantly, why. By gaining insights through customer satisfaction software solutions, you can keep your customers happy, anticipate their needs in the future, and make necessary improvements to your offerings to facilitate growth.

Discover customer insights

Client survey software helps create a complete picture of what your customers think about their experiences with your company, allowing you to make strategic decisions on multiple levels. Use the customer feedback data to identify critical issues that your customers find important, prioritize resources to ensure issues are addressed as soon as possible, and compile information to build a more accurate and comprehensive customer profile.

Get the answers you need

CSAT surveys allow you to ask specific questions to get the answers you need. In turn, this allows you to give your customers what they need. In competitive markets where customers are hard to win, CSAT surveys provide you with a serious advantage. A CSAT survey can provide insights into various areas, including customer service, sales, onboarding, user experience, and overall customer experience and sentiment, and more.

Know what to focus on

Tools to measure customer satisfaction help determine what you need to focus on right now. When you run various surveys using customer satisfaction survey software and then analyze customer feedback, you’ll know exactly how your customers feel about every part of your business. You’ll be able to easily assess what’s going well and what could use some work.

Fix issues early on

By quickly spotting areas where your CSAT score can be improved, you have the ability to address issues ahead of time to avoid any potential negative public-facing reviews. Prevention is the best medicine, and Delighted’s robust CSAT tools allow you to nip customer satisfaction issues in the bud.

Build trust

People want to partner with brands they trust, which means you need to show you’re willing to listen to feedback. Using customer satisfaction software is one of many ways you can establish open and honest communication channels, offering various touchpoints between your brand and customers. With Delighted’s easy-to-use CSAT platform, you can make trust a central part of your brand.

Improve customer loyalty

Your customer is more likely to forgive and remain loyal if they feel connected to your brand. Delivery went to the wrong address? They’re more likely to stick with you even if things go wrong or aren’t perfect. This allows you to build stronger relationships that translate into customer loyalty and brand ambassadorship, giving you a huge advantage over the competition.

When to use CSAT surveys

There’s almost never a wrong time to send out a customer satisfaction survey, but there are a few situations when using a customer survey tool is absolutely essential to ensure you are on par with customer expectations.

Key lifecycle moments

A CSAT survey can provide you with the necessary information to address issues and better understand the critical moments of the customer journey that craft a customer’s experience with your brand.

Run surveys to see how your customers feel about your product, the sales process, and the support they received from your customer service reps without the need for a separate customer service survey software. Understanding how your customers interact with your brand from start to finish is crucial in understanding their relationship with your company.

During the sales process

Survey your customers when they interact with your sales team or go through your sales funnel. Ask important questions in your customer feedback surveys that can help you improve your process. How satisfied were they with the sales demo or their call with the sales rep?

Perfecting your approach during this crucial time can help you boost sales in the future. CSAT website surveys during the sales process allow you to figure out precisely what can be improved and the biggest elements of friction preventing them from committing to your services or finalizing a purchase.

After support interactions

Reaching out to support means your customers are frustrated with an issue they can’t solve on their own. At the very least, it means they have an urgent question that they need answered regarding your products or services.

Your company’s success will largely depend on the ability to address issues and build trust with your customer base. Knowing when to improve support team processes from CSAT feedback is the easiest way to ensure issues aren’t repeated.

Before a renewal period

One of the worst things to happen in your relationships with customers is finding out too late that they were unhappy. Many companies aren’t even aware that customers aren’t satisfied until after they decide not to renew their subscription or repurchase the product.

The good news is that sending CSAT surveys as the renewal period approaches can help you identify potential customer churn and take proactive action to make it right before it’s too late.

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted’s CSAT survey tool helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable feedback. We’re committed to developing the best customer satisfaction software so that companies worldwide can give their customers what they need.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”