Integrations LogRocket Analytics


Improve your web and product experience by capturing Delighted feedback in LogRocket. Analyze web survey feedback alongside user session and web performance data for a precise understanding of what users like and dislike.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year


Free to install: The LogRocket survey integration is available on all Delighted plans.


See Delighted feedback in LogRocket 3 ways for complete customer context across your organization

Use Delighted NPS ratings to filter for all sessions that resulted in a certain score, create dashboard reports and alerts with LogRocket Metrics, or pipe the feedback directly into Slack. Click into the exact LogRocket session that led to that positive or negative sentiment.

Data Exchange

How the LogRocket integration works

Delighted’s LogRocket integration will automatically capture survey responses occurring during LogRocket sessions, as well as make that data accessible in various areas of the LogRocket UI. For a complete list of data synced from LogRocket to Delighted, view our documentation.

LogRocket serves a Delighted web survey during a session

Feedback is synced back to the LogRocket user profile


Ready to get started? Check out these guides for setting up the LogRocket integration

Get the help you need from our self-serve customer feedback software or reach out to us.

LogRocket integration setup
LogRocket integration blog announcement

About LogRocket

LogRocket helps software teams perfect their product experience. Replay user sessions, monitor site performance, and analyze product analytics, all from one platform.

Learn more about LogRocket