Customer intervew


We sat down with Ido Breger, VP of Product at cybersecurity technology firm Cynet, to learn how Delighted’s NPS solution for web has revolutionized their feedback program.

Tell us about your role at Cynet.

I lead the product team as the VP of Product. Customer feedback and NPS is a responsibility that I co-own with the VP of Service.

Tell us a bit about Cynet.

Our aim is to make it easy for mid-market customers in the security world – they don’t have a lot of resources, and only have small teams of security practitioners. What they need is a single platform, with multiple sensors that look at network, files, users, and endpoints, instead of multiple solutions.

If you look at enterprise high-end companies with significant security teams, they usually buy 5 to 10 different best-of-breed security solutions to protect their organization. They then need to integrate them, which is a complex process that requires ongoing maintenance. It’s expensive and time-consuming.

Cynet, on the other hand, builds all of these tools natively into one single automated platform. We invest deeply into automated investigations of security incidents and automated remediation. We try to make our customers’ lives as easy as possible, which is truly what sets us apart from other products available in this space.

“At Cynet, everybody is aware of the importance of NPS. It’s something that we talk about at every company meeting and every board meeting — it’s very important for us.”

As a startup, why did you choose Delighted as your customer feedback platform?

We needed a solution that would give us maximum results with minimal developer investment.

We specifically wanted to embed questions into our website’s user journey. Delighted web surveys were simple to configure, and didn’t require a developer to implement.

Delighted also integrates with Salesforce, making follow-up and reporting a lot easier on our teams.

I have to say that some of our developers thought that we could develop our own NPS tool in-house. But they soon realized NPS is more than just a score; there are statistics and metrics and all kinds of other factors to take into account. It’s not actually that simple! Delighted makes it look easy.

“Delighted basically changed the entire picture for us. After 10 days, we had six times the responses that we’d had within the last six months.”

How did Delighted help improve your response rates?

Before we started using Delighted, we were sending email NPS surveys that just sat in our customers’ inboxes. Our response rates were so low that we couldn’t get an accurate NPS score with high probability.

We realized we needed to embed the survey into our customers’ normal workflow and make it very easy to give feedback.

With Delighted, a pop-up question appears on the website that our users can complete in a single click. The number of responses we’ve had is great and speaks for itself.

It was definitely worthwhile to implement Delighted web feedback surveys – the process was smooth and easy, and after maybe 10 days, we had six times the responses that we’d had within the last six months. It made a huge difference, and now NPS is something we actively participate in improving across the whole business.

Delighted basically changed the entire picture for us.

Why did you start measuring NPS?

I can’t think of a better tool than NPS to track how customers feel about your product. NPS is probably the best KPI you can use to understand how much customers actually like the product that you offer.

It may not give you all the details, but if you are using it as a KPI and you are willing to drill down on the feedback, it gives you something to track over time to know exactly where you stand.

“We essentially monitor NPS in order to achieve our business goals.”

How is NPS used throughout the company?

At Cynet, everybody is aware of the importance of NPS. It’s something that we talk about at every company meeting and every board meeting – it’s very important for us. Our competitors openly speak about their NPS, so it’s also a key benchmarking metric for us.

Our objective in monitoring and improving our NPS is to increase net dollar retention (NDR), the difference between the growth we have from our existing customer base and customer churn. We use NPS as a KPI that is strongly related to that objective.

We essentially monitor NPS in order to achieve our business goals.

Cynet projects
Israel, Tel Aviv
Cybersecurity Software

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Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”