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“Delighted allows us to measure the intangible measurement of having a product that is delightful to use.”

Joining a new company requires a leap of faith, on the part of the employee as well as the employer. No one understands this better than Glassdoor.

Glassdoor is one of the world’s largest job and recruiting websites, founded on the principle of workplace transparency. Job seekers can browse millions of job listings, enriched with company reviews written by those with first-hand experience — the employees.

As a result, applicants who go through Glassdoor have a better picture of the company they’re applying to or joining, and businesses can find quality candidates who are in it for the long haul.

The company’s continued success relies on a strong website experience, which requires an ongoing stream of user feedback.

“With NPS, we sample everyone and receive more diverse product feedback.”

Glassdoor uses Delighted NPS web surveys to expand the user base from which they gather feedback. Historically, the majority of the feedback they received was only from the users who were reporting bugs or asking questions. Feedback gathered through these methods was unstructured, unbalanced, and lacked a rating metric.

“This feedback is often problem- or issue-related,” says Zoe Soto, Product Manager for Glassdoor. “We were missing out on hearing about the average user that is using our existing product, so we wanted to add that to our repertoire. With NPS, we sample everyone and receive more diverse product feedback.”

With this broader range of NPS feedback from a previously untapped audience, Glassdoor identifies where the product may need to be improved, and uses that feedback to drive decisions that help their users be more engaged and more successful.

They can also use ongoing feedback to measure the resulting impact of those improvements. “It’s super helpful to know, when we invest in UX improvements, that it’s actually made a meaningful impact on how users feel,” says Soto.

“The setup is extremely simple, but the analytical tools are powerful.”

Always growing, Glassdoor has already added 3 more international websites in 2019 (as of April 2019) to bring their total number of localized websites to 18, with plans for additional domains launching later this year and in the years ahead. With Delighted, they can send out-of-the-box NPS surveys in the local language to monitor the customer experience for users in Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Switzerland, in addition to the US.

All of the sites have a similar web survey cadence. Of their millions of users, they survey hundreds of thousands of their monthly users with a 2% response rate. That’s a lot of feedback to handle.

Due to this high volume of feedback, analysis and segmentation need to be as easy as survey implementation. “The setup is extremely simple, but the analytical tools are powerful.”

By segmenting the resulting feedback, Glassdoor can pinpoint experiences specific to certain parts of their audience. For example, looking at logged-in versus logged-out user feedback helps them make messaging improvements around why users should log in or create an account to access certain features. “We made that clearer in our logged out experience, and this improved user satisfaction for users within that limited logged-out experience,” says Soto.

“We use this to hold product managers accountable not just to business metrics (e.g. job clicks, registration rate), but also to having a delightful experience for users.”

NPS also provides another way for their internal team to measure success. “We use this to hold product managers accountable not just to business metrics (e.g. job clicks, registration rate), but also to having a delightful experience for users.”

The Delighted Slack integration puts feedback at the product managers’ fingertips, turning their chat tool into a public channel for action and accountability. As soon as feedback rolls in, team members can instantly collaborate, and reference user data captured via Delighted to fix the problem.

This feedback has led to product improvements such as expanded filter criteria for narrowing down job listings, and more targeted email alerts that let users know when jobs they may be interested in have been listed.

glassdoor office interior

While this feedback surfaces new problem areas, it also plays a role in validating the decisions Soto and her team have made to improve the customer experience, reassuring them that they are on the right track.

Delighted dashboards with NPS feedback mobilize the entire organization to act around the customer. Scores are included in quarterly reports for the product and engineering teams, and are also rolled up to the CEO to create an entirely customer-centric culture.

Soto says: “Delighted allows us to measure the intangible measurement of having a product that is delightful to use.”

Mill Valley, California

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”