Addressing customer needs just got easier with Voice of the Customer surveys

An effective Voice of the Customer (VoC) program uses real-time customer feedback to help you propel new business initiatives with confidence. Easily craft surveys to your vision, send them at the optimal time and place, and share that feedback across your company.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year


Create effective Voice of the Customer surveys in minutes

See how easy it is to capture feedback across the customer journey. Choose from a variety of survey templates and delivery channels, and learn what touchpoints have the biggest impact on your customer experience with verbatim customer feedback.


Choose your survey type

Measure how satisfied your customers are with your service, product, and brand. Use a five-point satisfaction survey in our customer satisfaction software or NPS surveys to start bridging the gaps between expectation and experience.

Survey types for voice of the customer tool

Get context for improvement

Customers share the “why” behind their answers in a free response question. This is where you can uncover unbiased insights and use their feedback for feature and product enhancements.

voice of the customer tool follow up question

Multiple delivery channels

Send through an email survey, anonymous URL links, or in-app via SDK for seamless delivery. Use web surveys to collect feedback directly from your site.

Voice of the customer tool multi-channel delivery
Quick and simple setup

Create a branded survey with our simple web setup experience, no technical skills required. Just upload your logo and colors to match your brand style guide.

Contextualize follow up

Customize a thank you message based on the survey response. Let unhappy customers know they’ve been heard, and ask happy customers to spread the word.

Add Additional Questions

A premium paid feature. Ask follow-up questions to uncover crucial insight on survey responses. Layer up to 10 custom questions within a single survey flow.

Voice of the customer tool feedback dashboard

See Voice of the Customer survey feedback in your real-time dashboard

Analyze and act on feedback to create a foundation for continuous improvement as customer needs and perceptions change. Narrow down the VoC feedback from the customers that matter most to your business objectives.

Want to see the dashboard in action? View a live demo.

See all feedback in your customers’ own words – in real time.

Search for specific keywords and see scores and feedback for just those segments.

Create Trends from saved searches for quick VoC reporting.

Share uncovered insights with teams for all hands decision-making.

Spot signs of unhappy customers to get ahead of any potential brand crises.

Seamlessly integrate

Discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store all your feedback in a data warehouse, and more.

Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.
Trigger Delighted eNPS surveys from BambooHR via Zapier.
Automatically send to customers for one time payments or subscriptions.
Automatically trigger Delighted surveys based on actions in Blueshift.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Stitch account.
Sync feedback to Gladly. Auto-assign sentiment-driven tasks.
Sync CSAT feedback to MaestroQA for coaching and analysis.
Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.

Additional Voice of the Customer resources

Voice of the Customer question examples and methodologies
7 tips for an effective Voice of the Customer program
VoC: Customer feedback for a future-proof business

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”