Integrations HubSpot CRM

See customer feedback in HubSpot with the Delighted HubSpot survey integration

Sync your Delighted survey responses directly to the matching HubSpot contact.

Whether you’re looking for HubSpot NPS or CSAT feedback to contextualize customer interactions, the Delighted HubSpot survey integration can help.


Every second, 45 people answer a Delighted survey


Delighted powers 300+ million surveys a year


Premium integration: HubSpot is a premium integration in Delighted, limited to paid plans. For more information, see our Pricing page.

Delighted + HubSpot integration

How to get HubSpot survey feedback with Delighted

Use Delighted’s customer feedback software to integrate real-time survey responses into your HubSpot CRM for a deeper understanding of overall customer sentiment. Get the information you need to improve customer experiences in just four steps.

Set up your Delighted feedback survey

Create your Delighted survey – it only takes minutes to customize one of our survey templates to suit your brand. Choose from out-of-the-box Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer satisfaction (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Smiley face surveys, and more.

Send surveys and sync responses into HubSpot

Survey customers based on segment, like how long they’ve been with your company or what products they use. For a high response rate, use a survey delivery method that works best for your audience: email, mobile app, kiosk, link, or web surveys. After customers respond to your survey and the integration is activated, Delighted survey data is synced to the matching Contact Property in HubSpot via the recipients’ email address.

Enrich HubSpot contact information with Delighted feedback

You can filter survey responses within Delighted using pre-built dashboards and reports, but once you have the HubSpot integration set up, you’ll also be able to get clear insight into account health within HubSpot. You’ll even be able to conduct a contact timeline analysis with survey feedback included.

Automate workflows to act on feedback and improve customer experiences

Delighted survey responses can be added as Contact Properties in the About section of each contact on HubSpot. This will allow you to configure workflows in HubSpot based on the type of survey response, like closing the loop on customer issues or alerting a contact owner after receiving negative feedback.

Data Exchange

How the HubSpot integration works

For the complete list of data synced from HubSpot to Delighted, view our documentation.

Customer feedback survey responses are received within Delighted

Feedback is synced to matching HubSpot contact

Best Practices
Best Practices

Best practices for using the Hubspot integration

With the Delighted and HubSpot survey integration, you’re able to view the most vital information about your customers and their interactions with your brand with a couple of clicks. See how you can use this integration to its full potential with some best practices below.

Sort contacts by CX metrics

Keep a pulse on overall customer sentiment by filtering your HubSpot dashboard based on customer data from Delighted. A quick way to keep track of key metrics is to add a Delighted score column to your HubSpot Dashboard with a CX metric like NPS, CSAT, or CES. From there, sort contacts by the chosen CX metric to view customers based on scoring.

View the customer lifecycle

Navigate through any customer’s historical feedback to see how they feel about your brand, track their NPS rating, and take action based on feedback. Go to their contact record and select the Delighted NPS property as you hover over the score before clicking “Details.”

Leverage Delighted’s API to trigger email surveys

Configure your chosen condition in HubSpot with Delighted’s “sending to people” API call, ranging from sending a post-purchase survey or a survey following an interaction with customer support. You can even embed custom HTML code into the HubSpot email for further customization.

Export Hubspot NPS survey data

Extract important information from the HubSpot contact page and export it into a CSV file to share with your team. Choose to export Delighted NPS data, MRR, location, or industry to build custom reports outside of the HubSpot platform.

Embed Platform

Embed Delighted surveys into HubSpot

If you already email your customers through HubSpot, you can easily leverage those messaging flows to collect feedback as well. Just embed your fully customized Delighted surveys into your HubSpot emails by following these steps:

Request your survey HTML

Email us to request your Template’s HTML and let us know which Template (NPS, CSAT, CES, PMF, 5-star, Smiley face, or Thumbs surveys) you need the HTML for. Make sure that you’ve set up the Link platform – that’s how we make sure your survey’s HTML code has all of your customizations.

Add the HTML to your email platform

Paste the HTML we shared over into your HubSpot email template to add your survey. The respondent’s user experience will be the same as what’s available via Delighted’s email platform. Watch the video tutorial where we show you exactly how it’s done.

Deanonymize feedback using properties

By default, your embedded surveys will be anonymous. If you want to capture respondent information like email address or purchase details, you can do that by appending those details to the end of your survey links within the HTML. Learn more in the Help Center.


Need some guidance? Check out these guides for setting up the HubSpot integration

Get the help you need from our self-serve customer feedback software or reach out to us.

HubSpot integration documentation
Customer engagement 101
Embedding surveys in HubSpot

With the Delighted + HubSpot integration, we tie NPS and CES scores directly to HubSpot customer profiles. We use this to sort all the customers by score and organize smart lists from the score data. The integration allows us to have a great 360 view of each customer.

About HubSpot

HubSpot brings marketing, sales, and service into one comprehensive product. Generate leads, automate marketing emails, operate a support ticket system, and more.

Learn more about HubSpot