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Today, we’re launching Delighted for iOS to give you access to all of your Delighted feedback anywhere and everywhere. With Delighted for iOS, all your customer feedback is just a tap away on your iPhone or iPad.

Download Delighted for iOS from the App Store today

Making customer feedback readily available and actionable has always been at the heart of what we do at Delighted. What good is customer feedback that’s trapped in a spreadsheet? Delighted for iOS extends this goal by bringing all of your feedback to your iPhone or iPad. Now, no matter if you are traveling and don’t have access to your work machine, or want to quickly check your latest feedback in between meetings, Delighted for iOS makes that possible.

ios survey

With our initial release, we have focused on providing the most important elements of the Delighted Dashboard – analyzing survey results in the real-time stream of feedback, and taking action to optimize your customers’ experience.

Analyze results

After you sign in, all your feedback will be available and as new feedback is received the app will stream in new responses instantly. In addition, you can tap any response to reveal a detail view, so you can see any properties associated with the response.

ios survey dashboard

Take action

While it’s helpful to know the overall health of your customers, taking immediate action to resolve a customer issue or acknowledge positive feedback may be the difference between a brand champion and a lost customer. Delighted’s iOS app enables you to view the details of any survey response, leave a note for other members of the team, or share the customer feedback to take action. Your mobile updates automatically sync with the Delighted web app to ensure everyone has access to the latest customer data.

Delighted Customer Experience iOS app

We are excited to bring the Delighted experience to iOS for the first time, and we have big plans for its future. Our goal is to make it the perfect way to ensure everyone in your company has access to customer feedback to continually improve your business on behalf of customers.

Download Delighted for iOS from the App Store today