Delighted helps the world’s most coveted brands gather customer feedback.

Collect and analyze survey feedback with Delighted, the self-serve experience management platform of choice for the world’s top brands.


“By enabling us to see how we are doing each week on customer experience, Delighted has utterly transformed Bonobos. Most surveys are static; this is a living breathing part of our culture.”

Andy Dunn, Founder and CEO

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“Delighted shares a lot of values that we do: putting customers first, and making things intuitive and easy for the customer. Our team is built to be customer-centric throughout the acquisition, consideration, and retention phases, to not only meet customer needs, but also to engage and delight along the way. It’s my goal to understand the customer throughout the entire journey — and Delighted helps me do that.” Read more

“Delighted helps us keep an active pulse on the DWR customer experience – what’s working, what’s not working. By providing an automated, simple, quick, open-ended way for customers to give feedback we’ve seen great success with response rates and have gathered invaluable insights that help focus attention on the areas with the greatest opportunity for improvement.”

“By going direct-to-consumer, we are able to have a direct relationship with our customers and then use their feedback to improve every aspect of our business – from our products to the way we market them and so much more. So, their loyalty to FIGS and their feedback has always been supremely important to our success.” Read more

“Verishop is a very customer-centric company, so we live off Delighted. We use it to see what we’re doing well, the areas where we can improve, as well as to identify any trends. As we grow and expand, I’m always sharing the feedback that we get to the rest of the company so we can constantly improve the customer experience.” Read more


“When you have a streamlined solution like Delighted, it helps you run lightweight processes and get more impact out of it. Monthly NPS has gone up from 11 to 52 because we keep on getting more feedback, communicating, and closing the loop on it.”

Udi Vaks, Head of Growth

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“We were missing out on hearing about the average user that is using our existing product, so we wanted to add that to our repertoire. With NPS, we sample everyone and receive more diverse product feedback.” Read more

Delighted has helped us collect feedback and organize it by company and type of user. Integrating with our ticketing system has made it really easy to follow up with customers and see their NPS when providing support.

“Delighted is a way to get into customer experience that isn’t going to overwhelm internal teams. It’s going to provide actionable feedback, make you grow as a company, and allow you to provide better services.” Read more

“We would really be lagging on the candidate experience and feedback on our product without Delighted. Delighted is a place where our users can share open and honest feedback easily, which is super important to us.” Read more

“People like to know that they’ve been heard and that’s why we prioritize employee feedback. With Delighted, we lean on its ease of use, the ability to simply upload our employee data, and with a click of a button – survey our entire team.” Read more

“Delighted basically changed the entire picture for us. After 10 days, we had six times the NPS survey responses that we’d had within the last six months. We essentially monitor NPS in order to achieve our business goals.” Read more


“Delighted gives us the raw feedback from our users – what is working for them and where we can do better. I start each week with the weekly digest just to make sure I’m focusing my time on our users and on our biggest problems.”

Amanda Richardson, VP Product

More Delighted customers in this industry

“We have used Delighted for several years now, and have built our culture around working to understand customers based on NPS feedback. Delighted is an integral part of our daily focus on improving customer happiness. I couldn’t recommend it strongly enough.” Read more

“Delighted is so easy to use, and once it was fully integrated into our reservation process and automatically surveying customers, it provided invaluable information for our operations. I personally think collecting customer feedback is essential for a million little things related to any business.”


“Every department looks to Delighted to get that feedback and understand our NPS score to really make sure that we are providing the experience based on our brand promise.”

Rachel LaConti, Manager of Retail Partnerships

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“Focusing on the user needs, swimming in their feedback at all times, has been really critical to us creating a new way for people to access local news. Having a single place like Delighted to go for all of that feedback has been vital for us, and it’s really helped change our business.” Read More

“Delighted just brings so much visibility to what we’re doing. It can be hard to get a customer to respond. Sending a Delighted survey is an easy way to open up a conversation without being too salesy. Delighted makes my job easier across the board because it’s easier to get in touch with people.” Read More

“We have a weekly meeting with a VP of Member Services, myself, our Chief of Product, and our CEO in which we pull up Delighted and show them what’s going on in terms of the NPS score. Delighted makes managing customer experience easy.” Read More

“We love Delighted – it is a simple and highly effective way to create a strong feedback loop between our customers and our support, product, engineering, marketing and management efforts.”

Health & Wellness

“When working with employers and B2B clients, we noticed that they all wanted an understanding of the satisfaction and the usage of their members. This is how we started sharing the results of Delighted’s NPS and its feedback solutions.”

Olivia Krusel, Senior Manager of Customer Strategy

More Delighted customers in this industry

“Delighted has been a great way to keep a pulse on our athletes and get a steady stream of feedback throughout the month. Measuring NPS trends month over month and going deep into the comments to pull out insights makes Delighted a product marketer’s dream.”

“Delighted makes improving our patient experience smooth and rewarding. With NPS, we see where there are weaknesses in our processes and their impact on experiences. In a new and rapidly growing industry – with a highly-engaged online community – Delighted takes the guesswork out of what we are doing and allows us to enact change where it’s needed.”

“As a fast moving startup, Delighted keeps us informed every step of the way. We get the insight we need to ensure we’re growing and iterating with our customers’ happiness top of mind.”

“You’ve built what customers actually want, not just replicating what’s already out there. This tool already gives us so many options to increase visibility at each step in the survey process.”


“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”

JT Marino, Founder

More Delighted customers in this industry

“August has used Delighted for the past 2 years. We love their easy interface and ability to quickly judge how our customers view our product. The team at Delighted has constantly gone above and beyond to help us get what we need out of their system. Great company, and great tool!”

“Delighted is an integral part of our customer feedback loop. We use it to keep a pulse on our customer satisfaction, and identify our most passionate customers. The product is very intuitive to use and simple to setup.”


“Affirm has been using Delighted since 2014. Prior to NPS, we did not have a system in place to gauge this data. Apart from anecdotal interviews, we did not have a consistent and reliable source from which we could learn and grow.”

Jessie Reed, Manager of the Social Care and Community Team

More Delighted customers in this industry

“Delighted really enhances our customer-centered and human approach to both product development and customer service. We don’t only get broad trends from the Delighted data, but are also able to zero in on individual customers and reach out to them to fix their experience.” Read More

Seamlessly integrate

Discuss feedback in Slack, trigger surveys from Stripe, sync feedback to Salesforce, store all your feedback in a data warehouse, and more.

Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.
Trigger Delighted eNPS surveys from BambooHR via Zapier.
Automatically send to customers for one time payments or subscriptions.
Automatically trigger Delighted surveys based on actions in Blueshift.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Stitch account.
Sync feedback to Gladly. Auto-assign sentiment-driven tasks.
Sync CSAT feedback to MaestroQA for coaching and analysis.
Send your Delighted feedback into Slack channels.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Follow up with customers who've received Delighted surveys.
Automatically trigger post-purchase surveys via Square.
Send a web request to your server for feedback and unsubscribe events.
Sync responses with ClientSuccess.
Automatically sync Delighted feedback to your Heap account.
Trigger Delighted surveys and sync feedback to Pipedrive via Zapier.