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As part of our mission to build a turnkey customer experience platform, we’ve always been aware of the need for an automated feedback analysis solution. After a year spent fine-tuning our survey text analysis algorithm, we’re excited to announce that it’s finally ready. 

Introducing Smart Trends, powered by Delighted AI.

Smart Trends automatically surfaces themes in your survey responses, revolutionizing how you and your team analyze and act on feedback.

The suggestions are based on your open-ended survey responses, so they’re always relevant and meaningful. Already have Trends set up? We’ll go through and suggest more keywords to add so no feedback falls through the cracks.

What makes this a game-changing feature not just for Delighted, but for the experience management solution space overall, is Delighted AI.

What is Delighted AI?

While developing Smart Trends, we tested 3rd-party AI text analytics tools, and found the results wanting. Though the recommendations might be good 95% of the time, the outliers were alarmingly out of bounds. We ended up wasting valuable time validating every single suggestion that had been made to ensure the results made sense.

Feedback data has its own semantic nuances, and we didn’t want you to have to spend extra time clearing out irrelevant suggestions and training the algorithm.

To provide meaningful insight right out of the gate, we created our own algorithm, and fine-tuned it on the most relevant feedback data set we have: our own.

The Delighted AI algorithm is trained anonymously on the themes in the millions of pieces of feedback that we and our customers have accumulated over the years. What’s more, it will continue to learn based on the new types of feedback our customers receive, and the Trends they set up to monitor them.

This is the same feedback that our customers use to drive their customer experience success. Since our customers span businesses of all sizes and industries, from CommonBond and Allbirds to Pagely and Glassdoor, you can trust you’re in good company.

Delighted AI helped the right teams at our company understand customer feedback with more precision than ever before, which has been critical in the middle of a pandemic where we need to adapt and respond even more quickly to our customers’ needs and expectations.

We just recently launched a new try-at-home brand called Outlines, and we were able to do so with the help of Delighted AI by capturing and applying feedback early – this enabled us to pivot, at a rate we’ve never been able to do, towards what our customers actually wanted from our brand.”

– Roxana Turcanu, Growth Director for Adore Me, a New York-based e-commerce company

In short, Delighted AI isn’t a player brought in from the outside. It’s a customer experience expert, raised on all of our combined experience. With it, you automatically benefit from, and add to, the wisdom of the crowd.

Learn more about all of the other features powered by Delighted AI.

First, a quick review of what Trends are and how they work. Trends are saved feedback search filters that up until now, you would have created manually by setting filters from the Delighted Dashboard.

Smart Trends helps you automate the process in two ways:

1. Not quite sure where to start when it comes to surfacing themes in your feedback? Smart Trends suggests what to track based on your survey responses and the most popular themes our existing customers monitor.

2. For your existing Trends, the feature will suggest relevant keywords to broaden the amount of feedback you surface in your reports. Smart Trends goes behind the scenes to analyze the filters you’ve already made to suggest terms our algorithm has learned are important. 

Most importantly, we won’t suggest a keyword unless it exists in your dataset and has been mentioned by multiple customers, validating its importance. For example, if people start talking about “Fedex” in your feedback, and you already have a Trend set up with similar shipping terms, you would see it pop up as a suggested keyword to add after a few people bring it up. 

Find out more about how Trends and Smart Trends work in the Help Center.

With Smart Trends, you’ll be accessing the knowledge of the thousands of customer experience experts using Delighted. Their experience is not just at your fingertips – it’s automatically applied for you, to refine as you choose.

Smart Trends is available on all $249+ plans. Head into the Delighted platform to take it for a test drive, or upgrade your plan to gain access.